That was fun! Yes, I'm talking about my run today. First of all, I lied ... the run today was supposed to be a six to seven miler, not five to six. So why in the heck did I enjoy my six mile run?!
Like I said in my last entry, my Garmin watch came in the mail yesterday so I got to try it out today. When I got home from work this evening, running was hardly on my radar. However, I got a sudden jolt of energy that came from who knows where so I quickly changed into running clothes while it lasted, grabbed my watch and walked out the door. It was so great to leave my apartment without having to map a run online before I left.
The six miles felt like nothing - I was flying! I must have looked at my watch every half mile but they seemed to pass by quicker than usual. I still need to read through the manual because it looks like it has a lot more than I thought but the time, pace, distance and calories burnt will keep me occupied at least for a little while. Now you don't have to tell me twice, or even once, that this excitement will wear off. I know that. But don't spoil my fun just yet. :-) Unlike most running days I didn't wear my iPod either. I didn't quite do the hill workout I mentioned I was going to attempt. Instead I just created the most random run I possibly could have. I kicked up my pace a bit and made sure I hit a fair share of hills.
Now that I have a Garmin ... I need some new shoes. Mine have seen much better days! Any suggestions?
Only 39 more days until the Baltimore half ...
"We are different, in essence, from other men. If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon."
- merebrown01
- Raleigh, NC, United States
- Ex-field hockey player turned runner! After school I started running to keep in shape. I ran a few shorter races until I played a hand on a marathon. I qualified for the Boston Marathon on the first shot and then qualified again. There's nothing like pushing yourself so hard for something that not everyone has the guts to do ... and experiencing a rewarding accomplishment. These are my thoughts when I'm hitting the pavement.
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