Monday, September 28, 2009

Another Day, Another Dollar, Another Diet

Today was a new day in a few ways. It was the first day of the work week, it was the first day to another week of training and it was the first day of my renewed diet. Work went well today, training was successful and my diet is off to a good start! I came to realize that throughout my race training I had the mentality in more times than not that I could eat whatever I wanted since I was working out. This is not the case. Yes I'm running but I can only get better if I feed my body nutritious meals as well. My iPod touch came the other day and I am loving it. I downloaded the calorie and nutrition counting app so I would be better disciplined and more conscious of what I am putting into my system. Drastic changes aren't my goal ... just a little healthier in hopes I will continue to feel great during my runs. Protein is going to be core to my diet and then I'll incorporate a fair amount of GOOD carbs since I need that energy.

Typically I head straight for the elliptical on cross-training Mondays, but today I had a laundry list of things to accomplish right after work and didn't get home until after dark. My apartment fitness center is surrounded by windows and I've turned into a paranoid runner and person in general, especially at night. I hear horror stories and d take them to heart. I would never want to think that it couldn't happen to me because who's to say that it can't. After dark I hang up my laces. When 5pm rolled around I went to Target and walked around aimlessly trying to find the best birthday present for both of my nieces. I'm going to their birthday dinner tomorrow at a hibachi restaurant in Raleigh and am giving them my gifts then. After leaving there I had to go to the grocery store. Needless to say I got some good walking in during my adventures, but I didn't want that to be all the exercise I got today. After blowing the dust off my P90x workout DVDs I popped Kenpo in my laptop and worked it out! I actually had fun; I always feel like a hardcore when I'm kickboxing but then I look at my reflection in the sliding door and realize how uncoordinated I am. Let's just hope I never get into a fight! :-) It was a decent 40 minute workout and is definitely beneficial for the core and legs, not to mention a great calorie burner!

I took yesterday off since Chris and I were traveling back to Raleigh from Louisville. It was a nice visit and is always fun to see everybody. We took the opportunity to sleep in on Sunday and then visited with his grandparents for a bit before heading to Bass Pro Shop (Chris' play place) and then Jimmy Johns for some grub! Nine hours later we pulled into our complex and called it a night. No time/desire for running.

Don't forget to check out my weekly training schedule on the side bar! Also check out the poll to the left and share your opinion!! Talk to you soon!!

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