Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Treadmill Workout vs. Road Running

Hmm so much for the diet on day two, but in all fairness (to me) I had good reason to smudge it tonight (as far as I'm concerned). I went out to KANKI, a hibachi restaurant in Raleigh, to help celebrate my nieces' birthdays! There's no doubt you will be full when you are finished your plate piled high with fried rice, veggies and chicken. Then of course don't forget the soup and salad they start you out with and the dessert that is inevitable at the end of the show. :-) Mmmm!

Since I knew I wasn't going to led up tonight I forced my body out of bed this morning despite what my mind kept telling me to do and I headed for the workout room. It was darker than I had expected outside this morning and so I chose the treadmill as my weapon of choice. Running on the treadmill isn't my preference but I wanted to incorporate intervals and the elliptical wasn't going to give me what I needed. I started out at a 8.15 pace for the first mile, then sped up to a 7.40 pace and for the last two miles I ping-ponged back and forth from 7.00 minute miles to 7.30 minute miles. I wanted to hit six miles but I simply didn't have enough time to get in another two miles and get ready for work.

When you contemplate treadmill running versus road running, read this article from Runner's World as a great resource. According to this article, written by a running coach and program director, treadmill running is easier than hitting the pavement. A few factors go into this verdict including the belts that make it easier to run faster, the give on the base of the treadmill that eliminate soft tissue conditioning and finally, the lack of weather conditions. However, there is a plus side to using the treadmill. The article discusses the benefits in using it for speed work since it does allow you to go faster than you normally would. It also helps that you can control the speed, incline, etc. It's good to note that this is more directed toward people who are running for a road race. If you are working out to burn some calories, tone up or just to be healthy, there is nothing wrong with the treadmill. It just loses a lot in translation when comparing it to a race on the road.

Tomorrow I have intentions of doing that hill run I wanted to do last week but couldn't try it out because of the unexpected down pour. If you don't remember, hopefully I'll do it tomorrow and tell you about it then.

Don't forget to take a look at the poll on the side. Also, if there's anything you are curious about or would like me to address (from experience) I'm happy to do so. Drop me a line and I'll do my best! :-)

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