Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Shoes and a Kick in the Ass

The title of this post pretty much says it all. The new shoes got me out the door and a constant kick in the ass (from me) kept me going.

My shoes arrived yesterday (finally!) and today was the first time I was able to try them out, which is the main reason I forced myself into running clothes and outside to hit the pavement. I won't lie, this run was painful. I had little desire to get out there in the first place, let alone knock out a seven- to eight-mile quality run according to my training program. The nonstop mental battle was an added obstacle throughout a majority of the the six and a half miles that I ended up finishing. It was one of those runs where no matter how deep you dig for inspiration or motivation you come out with an empty hand and the bad guy on your shoulder telling you to just stop. I just felt heavy today too, like I was carrying another couple legs on my hips and a few pounds of led in my stomach. These are the runs where you just run to get it over with, you just run because your training program tells you that's what you should do. Nike would say, Just Do It ... I would have probably added a choice word in there.

I got a little over five miles and that so-called extra weight was telling me to give up. Then I figured I mine as well run off those extra additions while I'm at it. Who knows where that jolt of minor motivation sprung up from. I ended up at my apartment around six and a half miles and that was good enough for today. Even though there are the runs that always start off with nothing but negativity, it always (ALWAYS) feels good to finish a workout. On another somewhat positive note - I loved my shoes! AND ... I did run with an average 8:30min./mile pace, which was a lot better than I'd anticipated ending up with.

This is something I try to think of when I come up unsuccessful when looking for motivation ...
"Everyone would rather party, or even veg out... instead of buckling down. That's the easy path. Being a true rebel nowadays means embracing responsibility with gusto and energy. The last rebellious act, really, is to COMMIT TO SUCCESS, no. matter. what."

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